While you purchase our product you will receive confirmation and invoice email in the email address you used while purchasing our product. This email contains license key, invoice pdf, product download link among other details.
But sometimes buyers do not receive those email due to various reason. Some reason might be following:
- Email might land in spam folder.
- Invalid email used during purchase.
- System failure during purchase.
In any case we assure that we keep record of all purchases in our system.
First please make sure to check spam folder. If it’s not there then we can help you recover those information and send back to you. For this you can use our support form. Fill up the form and email field please use different email other than you used during purchase. Make sure the email is working. In “Give us more detail *” field please fill the email address you used during purchase. This will help is to track the record. Then submit the form.
Once we verify the email we will track the record and will send you the confirmation email with all details. Email might land on your spam folder of your email address so please make sure to check it.