Editing Header Template Part & Add Menu

To change the header template part and add a menu item, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the “Appearance” section and click on “Editor”.
  3. Click on “Template Parts” and select the header template part.
  4. Within the header template part, you can modify any contents, including the menu.
  5. To add a menu item, locate the navigation block within the header template part.
  6. Click on the plus icon (+) to add a new menu item.
  7. Customize the menu item by adding a label, link, and any additional settings.
  8. Save your changes once you have finished editing the header template part.

To change the footer template part, please follow these steps:

  • Click on “Template Parts” and select the footer template part.
  • Within the footer template part, you can modify any contents.

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